Sunday, April 1, 2012

Huh . . . Very Interesting
Woman's Day April 2012 Issue

I found the following to be very interesting:

If you love the "sweet" stuff like I do, we know it doesn't do our teeth or our waistline any good, but it could be making you a nicer person.  In a series of studies published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, subjects with a sweet tooth were rated as more agreeable and were more willing to volunteer to help others.   

Who's happiest?  Research proves that these folks have mastered the art:

*  The cheeriest folks in America?  "Hawaiians" says a recent Gallup poll.  (Well duh - I could have told you that one). 
*  Biotech Workers are the most satisfied employees in the country, according to the job-search website  Next on their list:  Customer services reps (which I find very hard to believe) and teachers. 
*  Life does get better as we age.  According to a Stanford University study, "Older Americans" are the most content generation with satisfaction peaking at 70.
*  People who enjoy creative pastimes, like visiting museums or performing in local theater are singing a happy tune, as reported from an iPhone survey the Mappiness Project (professor George MacKerron).
*  And apparently people who earn $75,000 have reached the plateau beyond which more money has no measurable effect on day-to-day contentment (according to Princeton economist Angus Deaton's research).

So if you are not happy you need to move to Hawaii, get a job as a Biotech Worker, keep your job as a Biotech Worker so you can make at least $75,000/year, age gracefully, and get artsy!!!!  Sounds like a plan.  : )

What would make me happy????  This fabulous belt!!!  And it's only $16.99!!!! 
Rope Belt
Merona Rope Belt in Jute, at Select Target Stores
Woman's Day "Fun Finds" Under $20.00 April Issue

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